Lists Private Torrent Sites Open for Registration was finally taken offline back in 2009 after a long term battle with the authorities. It was a top-notch website launched back in April 2008 which monitored and tracked over 500 private torrent websites every 6 minutes or less. However there is an alternative...

Note: This post has been updated March 2014.

Update from March 2014 has been around for years; there's probably not a private torrent user that hasn't stumbled across this site While 'only' listing 383 trackers, they don't bother with private sites that are perpetually closed. Then again, not everything here at is accurate - this goes with the nature of private trackers, and with sites that attempt to index them properly.

It is always hard to get an account on private torrent websites as they only take a limited number of people either by use of giveaway codes or by opening their registration for a short period of time. Well, now you can use, a private torrent tracker site that monitors over 500 private torrent websites simultaneously and tells you which websites are open for registration and when.

The idea is simple, all listed websites have a coloured status that tells you about the site.

Open means check it out.
Closed means you’re out of luck for now.
Offline means the site is not responding.

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