User profile not loaded (Event IDs 1530, 1533 and 1534)

I received this interesting error at work this week while trying to log into a terminal server running Windows Server 2008 SP2 "Your user profile was not loaded correctly".

After some extensive research including following up on event ids (1530, 1533 and 1534) in the Application Event Log and the kb 94053 article provided by Microsoft I found the answer to lie within Microsofts Registry. So to cut to the chase here is the regedit that might save you a couple of minutes of your time.

Access you registry editor via your Start - Run command by typing 'regedit'. Once your registry editor has opened expand to the below directory folder.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList

Inside the ProfileList folder you will find a folder which will have a ProfileImagePath pointing to your user direcotry 'C:\Users\user' with a problem. Simply delete that folder, but before you do take note of the folders name as you will also need to delete the SidString inside the ProfileGuid folder with that same name. Reboot your machine and viola.

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