How To: Remove "0 Comments" from Blogger

A lot of people still come to this page and the process of removing "0 Comments" from Blogger has changed so I thought it might be time for an update. Please note the below is relevant to the new Blogger templates which are editable through the drag-n-drop template editing interface.

Note: This post has been updated March 2014.

I've been thinking recently about what it is that makes people interested in a blog and what it is makes them leave never to return again. After reading a couple of interesting articles on the internet I've concluded that a lack of comments on a particular blog is one of the main reasons readers leave a particular blog and never come back. And you know what they say "one loyal reader is worth thousands of one time visitors".

Think about it for a second. Who is it that leaves comments, links to you on their own blogs, talks about you to their friends and eventually Diggs and Stumbles your latest posts?

It’s the loyal guys. It isn't the thousands of mindless drones who just sit there clicking Stumble, Stumble, Stumble, all day long and not interacting with the pages they land on. It’s your loyal readers. Sure, there are some exceptions like affiliate and product websites where you’re just sending super-targeted traffic to the landing page. But we’re talking about blogs, and on blogs, it’s the community that matters.

Having a blog hosted on blogger I decided to digg around and find a way to change one of the most horrid default texts "0 Comments". Instead of leaving users with the impression that there have been no comments posted for a particular article it always reads better when you have something along the lines of "Post a Comment...".

To change this text on your blog, open the HTML editor for your blog template; Dashboard - Layout - Edit HTML, and find this section of code:

Update from March 2014

<b:if cond='data:post.commentSource == 0'>
  <!-- <span class='cmt_count_iframe_holder' expr:data-count='data:post.numComments' expr:data-onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick' expr:data-post-url='data:post.url' expr:data-url='data:post.canonicalUrl'></span>-->
  <a class='comment-link' expr:href='data:post.addCommentUrl' expr:onclick='data:post.addCommentOnclick'>

  <!-- <data:post.commentLabelFull/>:-->Post a Comment...</a>

The part highlighted in red tells Blogger to write "Comment" beside the number one if the number of comments is equal to one, else write "Comments"s plural and n the number of comments (the plural form). If you add the part highlighted in green to above code what you're essentially doing is commenting out the part highlighted in red and replacing it with "Post a Comment..." which will read much nicer on your blog and attract more loyal readers.


  1. Here is a comment just to hopefully make some of your readers stick :)

  2. So it is true about what they say "one loyal reader is worth thousands of one time visitors". Thank you.

  3. This sounds great! The only problem is that this code doesn't exist in my blogger HTML for some reason. Is it because I'm using their watermark template perhaps? I'm at

  4. Hi,

    Have you expanded you widget template. This can be done by ticking the "Expand Widget Template" inside the Edit HTML page. I neglected to mention this in the above post and will fix this soon. Let me know how you go. Thank you.

  5. Hi Damir,
    Thanks, I didn't notice that button. Clicking it made a lot more code visible. It still doesn't have the specific code above though. There is a piece that says:


    Wondering if that area might be what to change. I'll play around with it more. Thanks for the tip on expanding the widget template.

    1. Hi Scott,

      It might be a good idea to use Chrome if you're already not as it's word search is far superior to any other internet browser. Try and search any of the above key words such as 'addCommentOnClick' and see how you go. Otherwise what you could do is save the template and email to me at and I could have a look at it for you. Thanks.

  6. This worked prefect. Thanks for updating it for current templates. :)

  7. You're all welcome, glad it has helped you all.

  8. Hello, could you please help me? I want to delete 0 comments and I can't find how... I'm using disqus so it doesn't make any sense... My blog is
    I tried so much already but I can't seem to do it.

    1. Hi Nathalie, sorry I'm getting back to you so late, I completely somehow missed your comment. Let me know if you're still having trouble. My apologies again.

  9. Ok, I have no idea what I've done, but now the comment-line is gone, even on posts where I have comments! It's like I've just deleted the comment-line from my post footer. The comment box shows up when I click into a post as usual though. But how do I get the "No comments"/"X comments" line back again? Please help, I miss this line!

    Should never have messed around with this without backing up the template xD

    My blog:

    1. Yeah making a backup always makes sense. I could take a look at it for you if you'd like. What you can do is save the template and email it to me at, thanks.

  10. Hey Damir, I can't change on my blog the 0 comments, I have a template. Can you help me pls??

    My blog is:


    1. I can sure try please save and email me your template to and I'll have a look at it, thanks.
