How To: Install WINE on Ubuntu

Ubuntu and Ubuntu derivatives (such as Kubuntu) obtain software from packages which are stored in repositories. Ubuntu's default repository includes WINE, however if you want to stay up to date with the latest WINE package you can use WINEHQś repository by following these instructions.

Adding the WINEHQ PPA Repository:

@her###:~$ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa

Once you have added the WINEHQ PPA Repository, you are ready to install.

Then update APT's package information and install Wine by running:

@her###:~$ sudo aptitude update
@her###:~$ sudo aptitude install wine1.7

NOTE: The 1.7 packages here are beta packages. This means they will periodically suffer from regressions, and as a result an update may break functionality in WINE. If the stable 1.6 WINE version works for you, then you may not want to use these beta packages. If you'd like to browse the PPA manually, you can visit its Launchpad page.

NOTE: Since Ubuntu 9.10, Karmic Koala, a new and convenient way for adding Launchpad PPA (Personal Package Archive) repositories via the command line has been introduced: add-apt-repository. This command is apparently the same as addrepo available on Debian.
  • The repository is registered with APT and an entry is created in /etc/apt/sources.list and backs up to /etc/apt/ while also creating a file in the /etc/apt/sources.list.d folder
  • If a public key is required and available it is automatically downloaded and registered

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