Google Apps Tip: Using the Show Search Options Feature in Gmail

Starting today I'm going to be writing up a Google Apps Tip every now and then for you to indulge in. The Google App Tips will not just be concentrated around Gmail but the full suite of Apps that Google has to offer. Google Apps is a cloud-based productivity suite that helps you connect and get work done from anywhere and on any device. These include but are not limited to Chrome, Gmail, Calendar, Drive, Groups, Sites, Contacts, Blogs, Maps, YouTube, Google+, Photos and Wallet.

If you happen to have a tip you would like to share, please feel free leave details in the comments field and I'll make sure that I share it with everyone else.

Gmail has one of the most powerful search features in the world. However some of these are hidden behind Google's famous search box and can only be accessed via the 'Show search options' down arrow.

Instead of just typing a search query in the search box, click the down arrow to reveal more search options.

By performing a search with the search options dialogue you'll be able to see some of the search operators you'll need in the future. For example, if you type into the From: field, you'll see the following search appear in your search box: from:( which would list all email within your account that is from

Here are a few other useful search operators you can access from the basic search box without going in to the 'Show search options':
  • to: – Search for messages sent to a specific address
  • from: – Search for messages sent from a specific address
  • subject: – Search the subject field
  • label: – Search within a specific label
  • has:attachment – Search only for messages that have attachments
  • is:chat – Search only chats
  • in:anywhere – Also search for messages in the spam and trash. By default, Gmail's search ignores messages in the spam and trash.

Please note this is just a small overview of Google's search feature capabilities, more to come soon.

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