7 Days in News (16-01-2013)

1. Windows 8 Upgrades Get Way More Expensive After February 1

Have you upgraded to Windows 8 yet? Well, if you've been holding off, you should grab your licence now, even if you’re going to hold off on installing for a little bit longer. More »

2. I can't believe I switched from iPhone 5 to Galaxy Note II
My beloved iPhone 5 recently disappeared -- lost or stolen doesn't matter. Gone is gone. Verizon ticks me off; the warranty is supposed to get me a new one for $100 deductible. But no! VZW wants me to pay full subsidized price again! So, I do what anybody would; I fire Big Red!!!

I go for cost savings and switch to T-Mobile, figuring to buy the top-of-the-line geek Android toy and sell -- or better, trade -- it. I assume the Samsung Galaxy S III is top-geek merchandise but instead T-Mo pushes me towards the Galaxy Note II. What a deal online -- $200. I immediately list it on Craigslist, looking to trade for iPhone 5. To my surprise I get multiple offers. I mean, who as a sane person would want that deal?

Then the day comes. The Note 2 is delivered. And what's this? I like it. But I can't! It's a droid! I decide to test drive, and after 3-4 days I am ignoring the "5" trade offers. I NO LONGER WANT TO TRADE!!!

And now here weeks later I write this on my Samsung Galaxy Note 2 -- a phone I criticized and ridiculed for its gigantic form factor. Worse -- save me, Steve Jobs! -- I can't see myself going back to the fruit! For the record I have used other droids, but NOTHING LIKE THIS!!!!!

I just can't believe I switched!!!!

Rotten Fruit

Some people know me as the vulgar, inappropriate BetaNews comment troll. I let nothing said bad about Apple go unanswered. I am biased but not stupid. Galaxy Note is so much better, and I can't deny it -- much as I reallywant to.

Taking into account the advancements made by Samsung and the rate at which Apple releases updates and innovations, the future looks grim in Cupertino.

When a hardcore, die-hard fanboy such as myself cannot fathom going back to iPhone, fanboys around the globe better hope that somebody at One infinite loop is paying attention. It seems as though not one of the Apple executives has ever picked up a Galaxy device; their biggest competitor. The threat at hand is not just towards Apple. Samsung is so far ahead of the other Android players that we are moments away from calling it a one-horse race.

Now my loyalty is still with Apple, however, I can no longer be loyal to iPhone. The tragedy in that box is that a smartphone is like the captain of the football team; in other words the smartphone is the MVP of the company mobile product line up. But I just cannot travel backwards in technology, at least not to this degree.

Take Note, Apple

So to be specific, I would say the features or attributes that won me over are the screen, the speed and performance of the device, the improved polish in this version of Android and (surprisingly) the S Pen, which I find myself using abnormally more than expected, especially since I had labeled it a gimmick. I mean this thing can read my cursive handwriting for crying out loud! Not even I can read my own cursive sometimes!

And the final nail in the coffin for Apple, I received early yesterday morning a notice informing me that my device had an update waiting, ready to be installed. So a couple taps on the screen, a device reboot, and 10 minutes later come exciting new features.

Man, that split screen, and even triple screen is just astronomically amazing. So taking phone calls, composing emails, and replying to text messages, all while surfing the web AND watching a YouTube video?... well now, THAT is what I call multitasking!!!

So if I were asked to paraphrase, I would simply state that by all appearances, Scamsung has either acquired or raised and nurtured a talent/skill that I would refer to as "value delivered to customer". While 'ol Scammy put in overtime, behaving like a typical overachieving Asian, the fruit farm travels at the speed of light, metaphorically meaning stuck in time, maybe '08-'09, or zoned out where time (and competitors) stands still!!!"

What's an Apple fan to do but tear out his hair and cry. I love the thing I once loathed and hate myself for it.

3. Kim Dotcom reveals Mega's royal flush -- 'generous' free cloud storage
Like it or not, the New Zealand-based entrepreneur Kim Dotcom continues to make headlines thanks to his latest project, Mega. The cloud storage service launches on January 20, and merely days before the big opening Dotcom revealed that Mega will indeed be mega in the storage department.

In a Twitter post, Kim Dotcom said that Mega will offer "generous limits for free [plan] users". But just how much is "generous"?, you may ask. The soon-to-be-introduced service will give users a whopping 50GB of free cloud storage, matching MediaFire's offer, and top established market competitors such as Box, Dropbox, Google's Drive and Microsoft's SkyDrive. Basically if there's a "box" or "drive" in the title, then it's not as "roomy".

Dotcom looks prepared for the January 20 opening, judging by a recent Twitter post and Instagram pic which shows him standing in front of the stage where he, and likely other guests, will introduce Mega to the public. Seeing as the man is quite popular, and controversial on the interwebs, and regularly manages to make a splash, the new cloud storage service looks set for a highly debated start.

Dotcom has yet to comment on whether dedicated mobile apps will be available for the new Mega. He's also kept quiet as to what the implied paid plans involve, but seeing as the service provides 50GB of free storage it's not out of this world to consider that there will be much more on offer for those willing to take out their wallets.

4. Weekend Project: Becoming a Linux Expert
A beginner's guide to becoming a Linux expert.

5. Is the Lenovo Chromebook right for education?

That's the question we're asking in the newsroom, and the consensus is "No", and that most certainly is my initial reaction. But on further examination, I'm at "depends", meaning for some schools but not for many others. Here size of school district matters, because Lenovo commits considerable extra IT-oriented resources to this newest ThinkPad that should appeal to people managing larger-scale deployments. But smaller schools, such as charter, private or small town, should consider spending less on another model.

Today the two companies announced the new computer, ThinkPad X131e Chromebook, which goes on sale February 26. Quick specs: 11.6-inch display with 1366 x 768 resolution; Intel Celeron processor; 16GB sold-state drive; webcam; Ethernet; dual-bad Wi-Fi N; 2 USB 3.0 ports; single (separate) ports for USB 2.0, HDMI and VGA; and Chrome OS. Lenovo doesn't state which processor or provide dimensions but does give weight as 1.8 kilograms (3.9 pounds). Price is $429, or $459 with recommended IT maintenance service.

Plus and Minus

Before continuing, let me preface: I am a Chromebook fan, and the $249 Samsung ARM model is my primary PC. But I don't write stories to suit my personal preferences but follow the reporting. Let's put this new ThinkPad into plus-and-minus columns.

On the plus side:

1. Google and Lenovo refer to the X131e as "rugged", which, if true makes the Chromebook a better choice among many for the price ($429). There are rubberized bumpers, for example, and Lenovo says the hinge is rated for 50,000 openings/closings.

"With the rugged features we added to the X131e, we’ve seen reduced failure rates in the field", Jerry Paradise, Lenovo executive director, claims. "This is a huge benefit to schools and students. We’re pleased to be able to offer this hardened ThinkPad Chromebook as a great computer for schools".

2. Lenovo offers considerable customization options, including choice of colors, asset tagging (useful for finding misplaced devices) and school logo etching.

3. ThinkPad is a brand IT administrators trust. Lenovo maintained and even extended the brand's integrity after buying IBM's PC division. I assert this from ongoing conversations with IT managers.

4. Bid-pricing is available, so that $429 price isn't set in stone. But I expect larger schools will benefit more from this option, simply because of volume purchases.

5. Battery is 6.5 hours -- or so Lenovo claims, which is good enough for the school day.

6. Expensive Microsoft Office license isn't required. Like its competitors, ThinkPad Chromebook comes with Google Apps for Education and all the management features common to Chrome OS, such as seamless updating and ability to move a student from one machine to another simply by logging in (settings, apps, etc. migrate automatically).

On the minus side:

1. The X131e is pricey, well, compared to several other Chromebooks. I would chose the $249 model over any other. Are the Lenovo and ThinkPad brands and some extra ruggedness worth an extra $200 per unit? Do the math. A charter school or small-town district could spend $24,900 or $42,900 for 1,000 Samsung or Lenovo Chromebooks, respectively. How would you rather spend your money?

2. Google marketing creates a price perception problem. During the holidays, teachers could get an Acer Chromebook for 99 bucks. Meanwhile, advertisements for $199 Acer and $249 Samsung models are everywhere. How does Mr. IT Manager justify $429 to a Superintendent who would need to live on Mars not see Google's "For Everyone" marketing?

3. Google wants schools, but doesn't absolutely require them, to pay an extra $30 per unit for IT maintenance. So that $249 is really $279 and the $429 is $459.

4. The Lenovo Chromebook is really a Windows model re-purposed and confusingly so because the model numbers are the same. The Chinese computer manufacturer offers AMD and Intel X131e laptops also for schools (prices start at $539 and $619, respectively). The base Intel Windows model has 1.4GHz Core i3 processor and 4GB of RAM, but there's no guarantee Lenovo will be this generous.

You could view Chromebook based on Windows model as advantage -- as being tried-and-true design. Certainly the approach allows Lenovo to better differentiate from competing Chromebooks, but with trade-offs (see #5).

5. ThinkPad Chromebook is bulky. Lenovo's machine is the heaviest of the bunch and chunkier, too. The Acer C7 and Samsung ARM models, which have same size displays, weigh 1.4 kilograms (3 pounds) and 1.1 kilograms (2.4 pounds). They're 1 and 0.7 inches thick, respectively. At 1.8 kilograms (3.9 pounds) and 1.3 inches thick, the Lenovo is heavier than the Samsung Series 5 550 Chromebook, which sports larger display -- 1.48 kilograms (3.3 pounds). The ThinkPad is a chunky monkey, comparatively.

6. You can't get yours from Google or purchase one at retail -- Lenovo sells the computer direct. ThinkPad Chromebook will be available to businesses as well as educational institutions, however.

Something Else

ThinkPad Chromebook is the lowest-cost educational X131e Lenovo offers. But it's a price premium compared to other new models and runs counter to Google's recent marketing push positioning Chromebook as the more affordable, higher-value alternative to OS X or Windows laptops.

For the price, I wonder if most schools should consider a tablet instead. Touch is the future, and Lenovo's Chromebook has none of it. Shouldn't kids use now what they will need in the future, and doesn't touch better foster creativity? If true, is Chromebook or any traditional laptop right for schools? Locally, San Diego Unified School District scarfed up 25,000 iPads to replace its fleet of Windows netbooks, which have lots more in common with Chromebook.

Would you buy the Lenovo for your school?

5. Why The Moon Landings Couldn’t Have Been Faked
This video is so good, so incredibly brilliant, solid and simple, that you will want to paste it all over your Facebooks and Twitters just to piss off all the idiots who still claim that the moon landings were faked. The reason is simple: the technology to fake it didn’t exist. More »

6. Scientists Discover Spectacular River On Mars
Planetary scientists at the European Space Agency have released 3D images of the “striking upper part of the Reull Vallis region of Mars”, which reveal a 1500km long river running from the Promethei Terra Highlands to the vast Hellas basin. More »

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