7 Days in News (05-09-2012)

1. This Book Contains Every RGB Color That Exists

In case you sometimes struggle to visualise the RGB colour space on a computer, US artist Tauba Auerbach has created a handy reference guide: a cubic book that shows off all the colours in existence.

2. The Secret Inner Workings Of Google Maps
Beneath every Google map is a goldmine of data that’s hidden from the user; a series of logical statements about places and highways that help provide correct directions, can tell you when traffic’s bad, and generally makes the service so much more useful than a paper counterpart.

3. Analysts: Apple Needs to Rethink Its TV Strategy
Reports that Apple's ambitions in the television arena have snagged in negotiations with media companies are an indication that the gadget maker's big screen strategy is flawed, according to Trip Chowdry, managing director for equity research at Global Equities Research. "Apple's approach is wrong," he said. Apple is trapped in a chicken-and-egg problem, he explained. "Content providers won't jump on the Apple TV [set] until it has a massive consumer base," he said, "and consumers aren't.

4. Amazon Fires Up Kindle for Battle With iPad
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos on Thursday announced a slew of new tablets in the company's Kindle line that could give that device family new life. The Kindle Fire HD dominated the announcement. It will be offered in three versions -- with a 7-inch screen to be listed at $200, with a 9-inch screen and an OMAP4 processor, to cost $300, and the same 9-inch tablet with 32 GB of memory plus 4G LTE, which will be listed at $500. t going to jump on Apple TV until it has a content base."

5. Motorola Goes for Bleeding Edge With New RAZR Line
Motorola has unveiled three new devices in its Razr smartphone line, touting extended battery life and larger screen size as their main selling points. All three will be available from Verizon Wireless later this year. They will come preloaded with various Google services, including the Chrome browser, Google Play, Google Maps, Voice Actions for Android and Google+. All three will run on Ice Cream Sandwich and will be able to be upgraded to Jelly Bean when that becomes available.

6. Five Things Desktop Linux Has to Do to Beat Windows 8
Microsoft, as it did with Vista, is giving Linux another chance to make the gains in the PC market with Windows 8, but can Linux take advantage of this opportunity?

7. Future Computers Will Not Only Be Cooled By Water, They’ll Compute With Water
Aside from a clump of dirt, water might seem like one of the least technological things to ever exist ever. But researchers have found a way to use water droplets in such a way that they can represent 0s and 1s on a logic board and help to perform computing functions.

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