How To: Fix the ugly Plymouth logo in Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

As everyone already knows, the highly anticipated Ubuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) operating system was released on April 29th 2010.

It has been over two years now and it appears that Canonical refuse to fix what a consider one of their major bugs. We are talking about the Ubuntu logo shown during boot. (Please read the Plymouth README file located under the /usr/share/doc/plymouth/ directory, for more details).

Long story short, the logo looks fine when you first install Ubuntu running at a resoltuon of 1280x1240, but after you install the proprietary Nvidia and ATI video drivers, the Plymouth resolution seems to change to 640x480 making the Ubuntu logo big and ugly! One way of fixing the Plymounth is to:

NOTE: The solution was developed by Hoa Nguyen from the Ubuntu community. All credits go to him!

Open up a Terminal windows by clicking on Application / Accessories / Terminal from the top panel menu  and install v86d (the userspace helper that runs x86 code in an emulated environment).

@en###:~$ sudo aptitude install v86d

You will be prompted for the root password. Once the package has been installed still in side the Terminal open up grub with your favorite text editor (vim in my case).

@en###:~$ sudo vim /etc/default/grub

If you choose to use vim, in order to jump to a specific line number use :n where n is the line number. Now go find and replace the following line number 9:


with this one:

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset

You will also need to replace the following line number 18:


with this one:


Once you have adjusted the grub file please make sure to save it with :wq which will write to file and quit out of vim. Now open up modules with you favorite text editor once again.

@en###:~$ sudo vim /etc/initramfs-tools/modules

Add the following line to the end of the file:

uvesafb mode_option=1280x1024-24 mtrr=3 scroll=ywrap

Once again please save and exit vim but stay inside you terminal emulator and copy and run the following commands:

@en###:~$ echo FRAMEBUFFER=y | sudo tee /etc/initramfs-tools/conf.d/splash

@en###:~$ sudo update-grub2

@en###:~$ sudo update-initramfs -u

Finally restart your computer. When the system retarts, you should see a better looking Ubuntu logo!

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